Do You Have Sciatica?

Sciatic pain in Petersburg, Russia.

Sciatica, also called sciatica, is a condition that affects the scia (spine) in the back of the body and down into the leg and foot. It is possible to have sciatica for a long time, making it very hard to stand up or walk around. It also causes weakness and numbness in the legs and feet. It is common for pain to occur at any point in someone’s life, and it can cause many discomforts for different people. If the condition continues to go untreated, the problem will likely worsen. It is even possible that the nerve will be injured.

Pain from the back pain may travel up and down the legs and even down the trunk. This is caused by the compression of the sciatic nerve, the nerve that runs down the leg. Usually, the sciatic nerve is located in an area of the spine that runs down to the buttocks. It also goes down the leg to the foot. When vertebrae are pushed down into the spinal column, the nerve that travels down the back of the leg hurts.

Why Do I Have Sciatica?

It can happen from many different causes. Several types of disc injuries cause sciatica to occur. In some cases, the disc presses into the nerve root, which causes the problem. Disc injury can result from poor posture, chronic injuries and accidents. Spinal misalignments can cause sciatica due to poor posture, pregnancy or trauma. Some people think that they bent down to get a simple piece of paper, and suddenly they were hit with horrible pain. It is possible that sciatica was already present for some time before the incident that caused it to happen.

Chiropractors in Petersburg help people with sciatica by focusing on the cause of the problem and using various techniques.

Chiropractors help to find out the exact cause of the problem and help to determine the best treatment plan for the patient. After assessing each person’s unique spine, adjustments are made that gently move the body back into its normal alignment. This will help the body to function properly again.

Some individuals respond very immediately to chiropractic care, while others need much more time to heal. It depended on whether the disc was damaged or the patients had other issues they were trying to treat. When a patient has problems with his or her back, the body will require a lot of time to correct the problems. Amazingly, it is possible to correct a back condition in less time than it took to cause it. Once discs are properly aligned, and the spine is straightened, patients will experience an improvement in their quality of life. If your spine is hurting or you feel pain when you bend down to pick up a piece of paper, give us a ring at Olde Town Wellness today.

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